All set for SATCP Malawi Fourth Technical Oversight Committee

A successful fourth Technical Committee held in Mponela, Dowa has prepared the ground for a SATCP Malawi Fourth Technical Oversight Committee to be held later in November.

The meeting, held at Chikho Hotel on 20th October 2023 brought together all implementing agencies for the SATC Project, officers from the Project Implementation Unit and senior government officials from the Ministry of Transport and Public Works and Ministry of Finance.

The day-long meeting among other things discussed progress on activities planned for the financial year 2023/24, activities implemented between 1st April 2023 and 30th September 2023, challenges encountered and proposed solutions.

The meeting also reviewed and endorsed proposed budget revisions for the year 2023/24 and received a report on the Fourth Implementation Support Mission.

The Project Technical Committee (TPC) was established under the Technical Oversight

Committee (TOC) to monitor project impact and ensure dialogue with stakeholders. The discussions held at the recent TPC meeting will be presented to the TOC meeting slated for 3 November in Salima.

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