Southern African Trade and Connectivity Project (Malawi)
SATCP Malawi
The implementation of Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project is anticipated to have both positive and negative environmental and social impacts that will affect the biophysical and social environment.
In order to minimize, prevent or offset potential adverse impacts and enhance potential positive impacts, the project included safeguards in the design and implementation.
The project has environmental and social safeguard specialists to ensure compliance of the project activities to national environmental and social policies, guidelines and legislation as well as World Bank Operational policies.
Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
The objective of the GRM is to provide a platform by which stakeholders can raise concerns, provide feedback, or make complaints about the SATCP and any activities related to the project.
SATCP Grievance uptake channels are as follows:
+265 175 9156
Suggestion boxes at project sites and project Implementing agencies
The Project Manager, SATCP, P/Bag 322, LL
The Project Coordinator, SATCP, Roads Authority, B346, LL
Safeguard Instruments
To ensure that the project is in line with sound environmental and social management practices, all project activities by implementing agencies, contractors or beneficiaries must comply with the requirements provided in the following safeguards instruments: