Southern African Trade and Connectivity Project (Malawi)
Employer: Roads Authority
Project: Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (P164847)
Contract title: Rehabilitation of Liwonde – Matawale (M003) Road Project
Country: Republic of Malawi
Credit No. 68700-MW / Grant No.: D8040-MW
RFB No: MW-RA-439618-CW-RFB
Issued on: 28th November 2024
- The Government of Republic of Malawi has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project – Project ID: P164847 and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contractfor Rehabilitation of Liwonde – Matawale (M003) Road Project. “For this contract, the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in the World Bank’s Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing.”
- Roads Authority on behalf of the Ministry of Transport and Public now invites sealed Bids from the eligible bidders for Rehabilitation of Liwonde – Matawale (M003) Road. The Works consist of construction of the road to bitumen standards, partial reconstruction, which entails reprocessing of existing pavement and adding new pavement layers, installation of some new drainage structures, rehabilitation of some existing drainage structures and other ancillary works. Total length of the road stretch to be covered is 47.23 kilometres and is located in the south-eastern parts of Malawi in the districts of Machinga and Zomba. The construction period is 24 months including the mobilisation period. There will no margin of preference.
The estimated quantities for major works items are provided as follows:

Bidders should note that to qualify for award of the contract they are required to meet certain minimum qualifying criteria as follows:
- Experience as prime contractor they should have successfully completed similar nature and complexity contracts between 1st January 2018 and bid submission deadline, each of minimum value USD 30 million for Two (2) contracts or one contract with minimum value of USD 60 million;
- Average Annual Turnover of USD 42 million calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last five (5) years, divided by 5 years;
- Minimum amount of liquid assets and/or credit facilities net of other contractual commitments of USD 8 million;
- Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Procurement using Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s the Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Procurement in Investment Project Financing, Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, Fifth Edition, September 2023 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Applicants as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
- Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Roads Authority, Procurement Manager, Attention: Moses Malinda, Email: and inspect the bidding documents during office hours between 08:00 to 12:00 in the morning and 13:00 to 16:00 in the afternoon from Monday to Friday, except public holidays at the address given at the end of this RFB.
- The Bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of MWK180,000.00 (Malawian Kwacha: One hundred eighty thousand only) or USD 100.00 (United States Dollar: Hundred only). The method of payment will be Bank deposit at the NBS Bank account indicated below. The Bank deposit should be cash or bank certified cheque. The documents will be distributed by e-mail or downloaded from the following authorised websites : and

- Bids must be delivered to the address below at the end of this RFB on or before 10:00 Central African Time (CAT) Hours 17th January 2025. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. The outer Bid envelopes marked “ORIGINAL BID,” and the inner envelopes marked “TECHNICAL PART” will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address below at the end of this RFB at Roads Authority Headquarters Boardroom at 10:00 CAT Hours 17th January 2025. All envelopes marked “FINANCIAL PART” shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Employer until the second public Bid opening.
- All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of MWK 500,000,000.00 (Malawian Kwacha: Five hundred million only) or US$ 300,000.00 (United States Dollars: Three hundred thousand only)
- All Bids must be accompanied by a Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and/or Sexual Harassment (SH) Declaration.
- Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document.
- The address (es) referred to above is (are):