The Nacala Development Corridor Management Committee Clusters meeting underway in Lusaka – Zambia

The Nacala Development Corridor Management Committee Clusters meeting involving Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia is underway in Lusaka – Zambia.

The three countries are currently implementing a tripartite World Bank funded project that is aimed at supporting increased regional trade coordination, reduce trade costs and time, develop regional value chains, and improve access to infrastructure.

One of the NDCMC initiatives to improve the Corridor was the creation of ten sector cluster groups to encourage three-way collaboration at the individual agency level. The meeting has thus brought together members of Sector Clusters as well as Legal Counsels from the three countries.

The Sector Clusters will review progress that the Nacala Development Corridor Sector Clusters have made in implementing action plans developed during a previous meeting that was held in Malawi from 27 to 30 March 2023. 

The Legal Counsels will review some key legal agreements between the Republic of Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique. The Legal Counsel meetings will also provide the necessary conditions for the signing of the Nacala Development Corridor, Tripartite Road and Rail Agreements later in October 2023.

Speaking at the official opening ceremony as host, Mr. Stephen Mbewe, Director for Planning and Information Department in the Ministry of Transport and Logistics in Zambia observed that the three countries face common challenges like poor infrastructure, missing links and lack of harmonized standards among others. It is therefore important that they also collaborate in ending the problems.

The leader of the Malawi delegation to the meeting Mr. Fergus Gondwe Director of Technical Services in the Ministry of Transport and Public Works reiterated Malawi’s commitment to ensuring that it meets its obligations under the project. He observed that meetings like these strengthen the collaboration and work towards achieving shared goals for the three countries.

Lynn Harmon, a World Bank Consultant for Component 2 of the project said the World Bank is pleased to provide support for the implementation of the project. She said the meeting is critical since the project is now at a midway point. It is important for the clusters to meet face-to-face to review progress and to plan in detail specific tasks to complete the action plan objectives by the 8th Tripartite NDCMC meeting in October 2023.

The Nacala Development Corridor Management Committee Clusters meeting will run between 21 and 22 August, with the Legal Counsels continuing with deliberations up to 25 August.

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