Risk Management Framework

Building A Risk-Based Market Surveillance Framework For Consumer And Agricultural Products In Malawi

The Government of Malawi (GoM) has received a credit and grant from the International Development Association (IDA) under the Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (Project) to support efforts to reduce trade costs and time, increase access to improved infrastructure, and increase value chain development in targeted corridors of Malawi and Mozambique, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The Ministry of Transport and Public Works intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. (“the Services”) include Consultancy services for Building A Risk-Based Market Surveillance Framework For Consumer And Agricultural Products In Malawi
Solar Energy System

Expression of Interest for the Installation and Upgrade of Solar System In selected Border Control Posts in Malawi.

In the framework of the project “Supporting the Government of Malawi in Strengthening Migration Management through Expansion of the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS)”, funded by the World Bank, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will provide the border information system (MIDAS1), complementing backup power systems and data communication systems, along with substantial multi-stepped trainings and technical support.