Preparedness Strategy

Consultancy Services to develop emergency response & preparedness strategy for bovine tuberculosis, lumpy skin disease, high pathogenic aviation influenza and lift valley fever

The main objective of this assignment is to develop comprehensive emergency response and preparedness strategies to mitigate the impacts of (i) Bovine Tuberculosis (TB), (ii) Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), (iii) High Pathogenic aviation influenza and lift valley fever


DATE OF ISSUE:              4th February, 2025

  1.     Introduction:

The Government of Malawi (GoM) has received a credit and grant from the International Development Association (IDA) under the Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (Project) to support efforts to reduce trade costs and time, increase access to improved infrastructure, and increase value chain development in targeted corridors of Malawi and Mozambique, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The Ministry of Transport and Public Works intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include Consultancy Services to support the development of emergency response & preparedness strategy for bovine tuberculosis, lumpy skin disease, high pathogenic aviation influenza and lift valley fever

2. Objective of the Assignment

The main objective of this assignment is to develop comprehensive emergency response and preparedness strategies to mitigate the impacts of (i) Bovine Tuberculosis (TB), (ii) Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), (iii) High Pathogenic aviation influenza and lift valley fever

3.0      Scope of Work

The consultant will be required to develop specific strategies for each disease in line with regional and international standards, to strengthen sanitary measures while supporting more efficient and effective delivery of sanitary services for cross-border clearance of livestock, meat, and dairy products.

3.1      Specific Tasks

The consultant will specifically undertake the following tasks:

  1. Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment: Analyze existing regional strategies for managing TB, HPAI, LSD and RVF, identify gaps in sanitary measures and service delivery specifically related to these diseases, and provide recommendations for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of sanitary service delivery systems in the context of their prevention and control.
  2. Develop effective and efficient risk-based sanitary requirements: establish specific risk-based sanitary requirements for the exportation and importation of livestock and livestock products, focusing on practical, effective and efficient measures to prevent the transmission of TB, LSD, HPAI and RVF.
  3. Update trade restrictions and control measures: review the existence and distribution of the disease and if appropriate update TB-, LSD-, HPAI- and RVF-specific restrictions and control measures.
  4. Conduct a simulation (table-top) exercise to test the emergency preparedness models on each of these diseases.
  5. Stakeholder consultation process for the controls and the emergency preparedness models. The process should include a feedback loop on stakeholder comments (i.e. a written review of the comments and how the controls were adjusted based upon the comments or why changes were not made). Stakeholders should include internal stakeholders including also other departments as well as key trading partners.
  6. Develop a comprehensive emergency response and preparedness strategy: outline strategic objectives, create detailed action plans specifically tailored to TB, LSD, HPAI, RVF prevention and control, a clear sustainability plan including clarity on updating the plan on a regular basis, carrying out simulations on a regular basis, updating technological tools required, identify resource requirements, and establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Avian Influenza (HPAI) and (iv) Rift Valley Fever (RVF) in Malawi. These strategies will serve as a roadmap for the Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development (DAHLD) and other relevant stakeholders to prevent and control outbreaks of these diseases, protect public health, safeguard the livestock industry, ensure food security, and strengthen regional cooperation

4.0 Deliverables

The deliverables expected from the consultant shall be reports of the development of the TB, LSD, HPAI and RVF strategies including but not limited to the following:

  1. Inception Report detailing the methodology to be used in the review.
  1. A comprehensive report on the current animal disease strategies in the region, gaps in sanitary measures and sanitary service delivery and recommendations to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of sanitary service delivery system.
  2. Draft emergency preparedness and response strategies for TB, LSD, HPAI and RVF to be presented to DAHLD and other key stakeholders for validation.
  3. Draft Tuberculosis, Lumpy Skin Disease, High Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Rift Valley Fever import and export control measures to be presented to DAHLD and other key stakeholders for validation.
  4. Final import and export control measures that incorporates feedback from the validation workshop.
  5. Final TB, LSD, HPAI and RVF emergency preparedness and response strategies that incorporates feedback from the validation workshop.

Report on the table-top exercise on the emergency preparedness strategies.

5.0      Qualifications and Experience

This assignment requires a firm with the following expertise as part of the core team: (i) Animal Health expert (Veterinarian); (ii) Agricultural Economist (Trade). The firm may propose the number of experts to execute this assignment within the contract duration.

Members of the team shall have the necessary qualifications to undertake the various tasks as set out in these Terms of Reference. The experts are further described below:

  1. Animal Health Expert – Team Leader

Minimum requirements

  1. A minimum of a Master’s degree in Animal Health Preferably Veterinary Medicine or Animal Science and or any other related discipline.
  2. Good written and oral proficiency in English and good communication skills.

Professional experience

  1.  At least 10 years’ working experience in animal health or related field.
  2. Demonstrated knowledge of animal production.
  3. Demonstrated experience in disease strategy development or related field
  4.  Knowledge of Malawi animal health laws 
  5.  Agricultural Economist (Trade)

Minimum requirements

  1. A minimum of a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics specialising in agricultural trade or any related field
  2. Good written and oral proficiency in English and good communication skills

General Professional experience:

  1. At least 10 years working experience post-graduation in the relevant field
  2. Experience in conducting agricultural trade analysis
  3. Have specific experience in economic and financial analysis
  4. Demonstrated experience in review of plant protection laws
  5. Knowledge of Malawi plant protection laws


joint ventures are allowed

6.0      Contract duration

The duration of the consultancy is 60 working days spread over three consecutive months (90 days) commencing from the date of signing of the contract.


20 per cent upon delivery of accepted inception report.

30 per cent upon delivery of comprehensive report.

50 per cent on delivery of accepted final report.


A Task Team led by DAHLD and comprising key government and private sector stakeholders in addressing RVF issues will oversee this assignment. Key institutions for consultation while undertaking the assignment will include DAHLD, Public Health Institute of Malawi, Ministry of Trade and industry, Malawi Bureau of Standards, Academia, Malawi Veterinary Association (MVA) and Farmers Union of Malawi.

The Consultant shall submit all draft and final reports and deliverables to the Director of DAHLD through the Task Team Chairperson.

9.0      Conflict of Interest

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. 

10.0    Submission of Expressions of Interest

Interested Individuals meeting the stated requirements should submit their Expressions of interest including updated detailed curriculum vitae (CVs) and copies of professional certificates must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by 17th February, 2025 on or before 16:00 hours, local time.

The Chairman,

Internal Procurement and Disposal of Assets Committee,

Ministry Of Transport and Public Works

Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (SATCP)

Attn: The Project Manager

Capital Hill, Private Bag 322, Lilongwe 3, Malawi

Tel:     +265 1 789 577

E-mail: cc

A full copy of the terms of reference can be obtained from

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